Friday, January 30, 2009

Adding Fire to the Flame... CPSIA Law

Check out the prices you could be paying after Feb.10th 2009. Be sure to click on a few items and read their descriptions about their prices. I assure you these are real prices. This is a legitimate crisis!  So many items are involved including BOOKS already on library shelves. Items that are to be DESTROYED by Feb.9th. Bottom line... if it's for 12 or under it HAS to be TESTED or destroyed. Costs to TEST ONE item $300- THOUSANDS! 
Read Sara Jane Studios post with all the info here. 
Then go stock up on paperclips that will be illegal to buy after this law is enacted.
No wonder I'm grumpy. Anyone else?

Once Upon A Time...

Today UGH!!!
I must admit that I have become way more emotional this year than I've been for 7 or more years. I may be at my rope's end today!
It seems MY STREET got the worst of the storm, at least from what I saw on the way home last night. The tree my husband planted when we bought our home 13 years ago... destroyed... nothing left but a stick. The wonderful shade tree in the back yard that my children have climbed over and over and over... will have to be cut down. It just makes me sad. THEN to add to it...
If you know me at all, you know I LOVE my pets. My stupid stupid stupid neighbors (that are attempting divorce for the second time in a few months) decided it would be better to just DROP their newest dog , puppy really(pictured above, date on photo is wrong) somewhere, out in the country? For what meanness? To hurt each other? Dumb! STUPID! IDIOTS! I did not hold back telling them so either. I've tried to be a friend and help them several times, I'm DONE!       
My prayer for today... Lord keep one hand on my shoulder and the other over my mouth! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day #2

White, originally uploaded by Firenzesca.

If you are among the lucky/unlucky that are having a snow day... enjoy!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lots of changes!

I've been busy doing nothing! I have some wholesale keychain orders that I am finally getting around to doing. I'm thinking it's a mid-life crisis, not sure. I have been so SICK since the New Year began. I've decided to make a lot of changes with me and my business. The first is that I will only sell keychains to my wholesale accounts from here on out. I love painting them so this will continue.  I had been painting anything and everything (especially for local shops). Second, I will be doing some art prints that are fulfilling TO ME and I'll be selling those on Etsy. You can see my first idea above(actually there are more sketches of this theme). A young Obama. I can't help myself. I love love love the new first family!   I will be incorporating his inaugural speech into some paintings. Loved it!
Third, I'm going to focus more on MOMMY TIME! Time that I will spend taking care of ME(I've joined spark people to monitor my nutrition and exercise, Love it!)  AND quality time devoted to my family. All have been neglected over the last 7 years.  The business has been my focus for way too long!  Mommy time may also include a part time job and some volunteer work. I have to get out of the house more often! 
It's really going to be A LOT of work! I know I can do it. It truly is a NEW DAY!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

A new Year!

I'm so excited about the new year! NO resolutions, I just want to become a better me. Eat healthier, exercise, be more organized, be a better mommy, a better wife, a better daughter and sister, a better cook, well you get the picture.
I'm technically on vacay til the 5th.  I did something to my back on the 26th which meant I got to read 2 whole books in 2 days! Really unbelievable! That hasn't happened for years. I read both of the first 2 TWILIGHT books (wanted to read them BEFORE deciding if Rachel could read them) and now I'm hooked! I love the fact that the lead characters are so smart and Bella's priority besides Edward is HOMEWORK. You don't see that often! Also makes me wish I were a teenager again, what a great love story! Check out this shop for the pendant above!
I'm also trying to climb my way out of a cluttered and unorganized home and studio, not an easy task!
I am also redefining my business. I hope to be adding a lot of new items to my shop and dropping others. FOCUS is what I need, it's been so long since I've been able to focus on designing. 
I hope that after the 5th my blogging will be more consistant, creative and informative.
I hope if you made a New Year's resolution that it works out for you, Best wishes!