Friday, January 30, 2009

Once Upon A Time...

Today UGH!!!
I must admit that I have become way more emotional this year than I've been for 7 or more years. I may be at my rope's end today!
It seems MY STREET got the worst of the storm, at least from what I saw on the way home last night. The tree my husband planted when we bought our home 13 years ago... destroyed... nothing left but a stick. The wonderful shade tree in the back yard that my children have climbed over and over and over... will have to be cut down. It just makes me sad. THEN to add to it...
If you know me at all, you know I LOVE my pets. My stupid stupid stupid neighbors (that are attempting divorce for the second time in a few months) decided it would be better to just DROP their newest dog , puppy really(pictured above, date on photo is wrong) somewhere, out in the country? For what meanness? To hurt each other? Dumb! STUPID! IDIOTS! I did not hold back telling them so either. I've tried to be a friend and help them several times, I'm DONE!       
My prayer for today... Lord keep one hand on my shoulder and the other over my mouth! 

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